Submitting School Artworks

How to send your school artwork?

Digitised documents

In response to the confirmation email you receive after placing your order, attach your artwork. It is our promise that we will match your artwork with your order.

There was a problem sending your file?

Don’t worry about it. You will receive your files by email shortly after your order has been placed when a Customer Care Representative contacts you.

We accept e-mailed art as well as mailed hard copies (subject to seeing the art). We’ll work with you on the rest once you send us what you have. To ensure your order moves as quickly as possible, we prefer vector file formats.

It is important to note that changing the file extension will not change the file type.

The following file types are preferred for vector files:

It is a PDF file (Adobe Acrobat)

Embedding fonts or exporting .eps files as generic is recommended

Ai or EPS files (Adobe Illustrator)

Convert text to outlines, embed any images that are linked.

Design Service

We have a free design service, with a full breakdown of desigm mock up before you order.